Sunday, November 18, 2012

"It is thankful people who are happy"

Friday, after a long, busy, stressful week I walked into my last exam and came out feeling worse.  I feel guilty admitting this but it seriously seemed for a moment the world was crashing down.  After listening to an inspiring story at Religion in Life of a family where their sixth son of twelve kids has had two heart transplants and they are just humbled he will make it past his teenage years, I thought to myself...there is nothing to be stressed about.  
My daily Pinterest quote search led me to these two quotes I have been thinking about latley.
"It is not happy people who are thankful.  It is thankful people who are happy".  
"I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights." -Maya Angelou
I decided to make a list of 25 things that I am thankful for.  Some are simple and some are not, but I believe that if we do not find joy in the simple things in life, we will not be too happy.  

USU Basketball:  Even though we did lose earlier this week, there is nothing like doing the Scotsman   Or watching Reed dunk.  And being now top 25!!!
Hostess Donuts:  They always say when you don't have something you appreciate it more.  I'm not sure I can survive finals week without Hostess Donuts.  
No multiple choice tests: Seriously though.  This is more of a blessing than you would ever know.  I guess we will find out how much of a blessing though when I get my score back. 
The Wall Street Journal: Judge all you want.  
Library heaters:  I understand you may want to save on the heat bill.  But you think turning on the A/C in the winter is going to be cheaper?  Seriously.  Students do not need one more reason NOT to go to the library.  
Key Lime Pie Yogurt:  Anyday that includes Key Lime Pie Yogurt is happy.  
Spotify: Unlimited music!  Good for anytime of day.  5am.  2pm.  1am.  Anytime.  Parties.  Homework.  Getting ready.  Every Occasion.  
5 hours of sleep instead of 4:  Sadly I have thought joke. What's really bad is when its 4 instead of 3!
I am only working 2 days this week:  First of all because I get to see my family!!!  I am stoked.  I miss them a lot.  But also because I will be losing less brain cells.  I mean after drawing thousands of small circles to entertain myself it starts to wear on you.  
Boots and scarfs: I had forgotten how cold it gets in the winter here in Logan!
Puzzle passes...when I had them:  I use to be able to read during work and I have never appreciated reading until then.  But now, I get scratch paper.  
Potatoes:  Cheap, delicious, can be eaten in so many different ways it seems like you are eating something new when you really arnt.  
My grandma's homemade quilt: My grandma is the best.  That blanket is good for any movie, homework at 5am, extra heat at night.  
Wheels.  That I don't have to pedal to move :) Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE biking.  But having a car this semester has saved my life!
Books:  I think I have taken forgranted education and reading all my life.  Learning is so great.  And if you haven't read The Help, read it.  
Internet Connection:  When Digis works, everyone celebrates.  Especially at 11:59pm when you are trying to submit your assignment.  
No registration this semester:  No stress over times, classes...its great.  And even better is the reason I don't have to register!
Front Row Parking: Like at church today, in the rain!  I literally cheer out loud when this happens!  A VERY rare occasion...especially at Pine View.   
Our Kitchen Table: My favorite aspect of our apartment.  That table holds so many memories.  Late night chats, game nights, sunday dinners, homework parties, pumpkin carving adventures, modge podge night...
Religion in Life: I'll be honest.  I had a very hard time making it to institute last year- maybe it was the class, me, I don't know.  But I do know that I have learned SO much this semester from going and wouldn't miss it for the world.  And Religion in Life!  Why did I not appreciate having so many great great people inspire my life.  
Safari Saturdays:  The best tradition in the world.  With the best people.  
Laughter:  They always laugh or you cry.  Laughter just makes lifes problems seem like nothing.  I love laughter.  
Pianos:  As of last night I have started my grand piano fund.  That's right...someday I will buy a grand piano.  I miss playing so much.  There was nothing like just being able to sit down whenever and play to my hearts content.  Listening to piano is good, but playing piano is superb.  
Sundays:  I always though it was dumb that people didn't do homework on Sunday.  Like they were way too churchy or something.  A few weeks ago, I decided I would try it after being inspired by Kaitlin.  And its the only reason I am not in a coma, or in tears because of stress.  I look forward to Sunday all week long!  I can sleep in, eat breakfast, relax, go to church, make Sunday dinner, play games, write blogs, read, write letters, anything!  
People.  Genuine People. :  Over the past year I have come to appreciate people.  It fascinates me the way people think and act, and there is so much to be learned from people.  Before it just seemed if I had extra time I would spend it with people, but now I think people should be at the top of our list.  Spend time with the people you love, serve them, meet new people, and let them teach you things you have never thought of.  We are here together for a reason.  

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Just an ordinary day.

I'm still getting the hang of this whole blog thing.  I mean if people have enough time to read about my life, I might as well make it an interesting waste of time!  But I am stumped on how to complete this task.  So I've decided to just write about a day, an ordinary day, in my shoes.  (I just realized I ran two days together so I guess it will be two ordinary days!)  Maybe this will make whoever is reading this feel better about their day.  Or when I'm reading this 20 years down the road, I can laugh during my mid life crisis.
p.s.  The title reminds me of that song I used to listen to in middle school...just a day, just an ordinary day...

Thursday October 18th.

I wake up around 6:30AM to study for the Finance exam at 9:30AM.  I convince myself that if I get out of bed I can drink hot chocolate while studying.  After studying I head up to campus to take the exam, and surprisingly I think I might have done ok!  Knock on wood.  Of course I have to blow my nose yet again...I've been sick off and on for the last month, if not longer.  When people ask if I'm sick now, I have to think about it and remember that, oh ya I am still sick I guess.  Lately I just sound like a barking dog.  I go to pick up a Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts textbook to read over the weekend for a tax competition.  Another exciting!  I head home and get a call from my dad to work out my ticket for Africa! Hopefully by this time next week the ticket will be set in stone :)  I told my dad not to worry because if I do die over there they will pay up to 50,000 to bring me back.  And if I am hospitalized or something he can get the joy of flying over to see me in Africa!  I'm sure that reassured him. I decided today was the day I was going to trim up my hair.  Not the bottom, but just relayer it!  Surprisingly Hollywood Clips didn't let me down and my hair is nice and refreshed to grow out before the measuring of the hair on 12/12/12 to see whose is longest.   I had a nice little chat with my brother and took a nice nap.  Waking up at 4:28pm I realized...shoot I have a meeting on campus at 4:30pm so I rushed up there real quick in my car and prayed I wouldn't get yet another parking ticket.  After the meeting I came home and got ready to go to the Pumpkin Walk with a guy in my marriage prep class.  The things people can do with pumpkins!  It was quite impressive.  It was good to get to know him and we even had some hot chocolate.  I thought his response to what child do you think I am in my family?  5 out of 6... was funny.  Usually people can guess I am the oldest, now whether that is a good thing or not...After calling Kelcey we decided we would just go to her aunts house and sleep on her floor since she pretty much lives on ours :)  We saw all her cute decorations for her friends bridal shower (Owl you need is love....ahhhhh), I relived my piano days playing mario,  and then went in the hot tub, a recent purchase of her aunt and uncle!  I slept like a rock on that floor and had quite the weird dream about Jacy that I do not wish to record.  

Friday October 19th.

After breakfast at their aunt and uncles, we head home and do some homework and know how that goes.  I actually got quite a bit done before our Fall Break adventure to the thrift shops!  Kelcey met us there on her lunch.  Oh man.  I am addicted to thrift shops now.  They have so many great things!  Kecley got a nice old sewing machine that weighs more than my backpack does some days...and that is saying something!  Jace and Kelc are teaching me to use that right side of my brain since sometimes I don't think it gets used all that much in accounting...imagine that.  We stopped by Little Ceasars and I discovered a new favorite Italian cheese bread.  It will probably take two years off my life but holy cow that stuff is good.  Jacy and I explore another thrift shop before I am doomed to work for the next 6 and a half hours, making call after call without a puzzle pass (don't worry I got a puzzle pass Saturday! Booya Grandpa as Melissa would say).  
After work Kelcey came over and we had the best night ever.  Milkshakes, popcorn, painted pumpkins and even carved one, enjoyed some tunes, and started...(keyword) a movie!  (I can never stay awake in those things...)  

Look the right side of my brain does work!

Well...that pretty much describes it.  And you know what...  I love it.  Life is great.  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Living the Dream

Coloring pages after pages of quotes while making hundreds of calls of a telemarketer, I’ve had a lot of time to think lately.  One quote I colored the other day got me thinking a lot- “Don’t let your dreams be dreams”.  Honestly, coming to Utah State was a dream I didn’t know I even had but it’s been the biggest blessing in my life.  I am a totally different person.  It’s like when you are stuck on this never ending trail but you just keep going and going and then you reach the top and your breath is taken away as you look across the valley and you see what everyone is talking about.  In the last year, I’ve seen what everyone is talking about. 
FALL! Picture by the lovely Jacy Jones on a hike I wish I could of gone on if I wasn't working!

Jackson Hole!   Love everyone in this picture!

Someone I met the other day asked me why I liked Logan so much.  I actually knew how to answer!  My answer, the pe
ople.  I mean, I love the beautiful canyon, especially this time of year, the school, and even a new recent discovery, the Cache Valley Farmers Market!  But honestly, it’s the people.  Growing up, I have always been a non-stop grind.  I work, work some more, do some homework, go to meetings, make to do lists and try to check stuff off faster than I add.  I can work and work and that is how I compensate and keep my brain distracted.  But I’ve never really just had that group of people that I just felt so happy around that I only want to do things with them 24/7, we never run out of laughs or stuff to talk about, people I can pour my heart and soul to, and be laughing on the ground five minutes later.  We can go on crazy adventures to Jackson Hole, dance outside the car, watch movies, make zucchini bread, or just sit at the kitchen table and talk for hours and hours until we realize we have been sitting there for five hours and we should sleep a little before class in the morning. 
Just jumping off a cliff...:)

Especially this semester, each day, I’m finally living in the moment.  Its no longer me always stressing about tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.  It’s good to plan, but if you are always planning, you are going to miss out on everything you plan.  I can honestly say, I had to take some serious risks to get to this realization but I am finally living my dreams.  By living this, I have realized I can do with my life whatever I want, and I can do whatever it takes to get there.  And yes...this does include doing any accounting problem and an 18 hole golf tournament when I've never golfed... 
Each day, whether I’m taking a stressful exam or not, just got my car booted and an additional parking ticket or two, or am completely sleep deprived and sick I’m smiling and so happy.  I’m not just smiling to make other people happy or convince myself that I’m “happy”.  I really am happy.  I laugh all day long, make memories, learn, and be in the presence of people that have impacted my life more than they will ever realize.  Each day, I just am overwhelmed with how blessed I am to be this happy.  I would say its almost unreal, but that’s the thing.  Its so real! Finally!

I hope I can share this happiness with others. By making someone’s day, maybe they can have a glimpse of this happiness I am feeling.  I am so humbled to feel so happy and be surrounded by such inspiring people. So "Don't let your dreams be dreams" and remember, "You are never to old to dream a new dream" - C.S. Lewis  

Saturday, September 15, 2012

"My Life is Choking"

Last year, my Korean roommate Danbi misunderstood the phrase often used, "My life is a joke".  Instead she would say..."My life is choking".  This week..."My life is choking...ALOT".  But I would have nothing to laugh about had it not been for weeks like this.  Honestly I can still say I am happier than ever, but this week that happiness was quite pricey...a few good laughs cost me about 2000 phone calls.

Wednesday.  I wake up sick.  Day quil and Ny quil become my best friends and I drink 2 gallons of liquid!  Gatorade, water, orange juice, apple juice, the works.  But alas, I am not better.  I drove to my one class because I didn't feel good. 1 parking ticket.  After 50 minutes! "Seven Layer Bean Dip" soccer game was that night and I am what you would call the "'team mom" and I was so proud of them!  They won!  The team on the sidelines would say the only pro of our team was the goaley...but hey a win is a win. The crowning event of the night.  My car is booted.  I couldn't find parking ANYWHERE within about a mile.  So I park at the Tandori Oven and plan to move my car in a couple of hours.  But no...Kelc and my car was booted.  $75 each later, after being told I can park on Main Street (are you SERIOUS!), and that in the winter they open up a wopping 8 parking spots (THANKS A LOT!), we just laugh and say, "my life is choking".

Thursday.  Crazy day, but good!  After it's all over and my class ends at 10pm we get a humidifier from my cousins and Jacy and I sleep in a sauna.  And when I say sauna...I am not kidding.  Our quote wall has become waved papers...

Friday.  I decide to go to work.  Everyone in the row is sick and I can barely speak.  But alas I make around 400 calls and get about 17 surveys completed.  My favorite response of the night..."So how much do I get paid for this?"  My response..."Sir unfortunantley you only get the satisfaction of completing the survey".  

Saturday.  I go to learn how to golf for an hour for the tournament I'm in next week and then call into work sick because I can't speak.  I discover the reason I am so sick is because I did not drink Airbourne like all of my I will defintley be drinking that in the future!  I sleep and well create this wonderful blog.

All in all, "my life is choking".  But honestly I am still happy as ever.  I mean who couldn't be happy after beating Utah!  Living in Logan is more than great, I love the people I am around 24/7 and I could not be more blessed!