Saturday, September 15, 2012

"My Life is Choking"

Last year, my Korean roommate Danbi misunderstood the phrase often used, "My life is a joke".  Instead she would say..."My life is choking".  This week..."My life is choking...ALOT".  But I would have nothing to laugh about had it not been for weeks like this.  Honestly I can still say I am happier than ever, but this week that happiness was quite pricey...a few good laughs cost me about 2000 phone calls.

Wednesday.  I wake up sick.  Day quil and Ny quil become my best friends and I drink 2 gallons of liquid!  Gatorade, water, orange juice, apple juice, the works.  But alas, I am not better.  I drove to my one class because I didn't feel good. 1 parking ticket.  After 50 minutes! "Seven Layer Bean Dip" soccer game was that night and I am what you would call the "'team mom" and I was so proud of them!  They won!  The team on the sidelines would say the only pro of our team was the goaley...but hey a win is a win. The crowning event of the night.  My car is booted.  I couldn't find parking ANYWHERE within about a mile.  So I park at the Tandori Oven and plan to move my car in a couple of hours.  But no...Kelc and my car was booted.  $75 each later, after being told I can park on Main Street (are you SERIOUS!), and that in the winter they open up a wopping 8 parking spots (THANKS A LOT!), we just laugh and say, "my life is choking".

Thursday.  Crazy day, but good!  After it's all over and my class ends at 10pm we get a humidifier from my cousins and Jacy and I sleep in a sauna.  And when I say sauna...I am not kidding.  Our quote wall has become waved papers...

Friday.  I decide to go to work.  Everyone in the row is sick and I can barely speak.  But alas I make around 400 calls and get about 17 surveys completed.  My favorite response of the night..."So how much do I get paid for this?"  My response..."Sir unfortunantley you only get the satisfaction of completing the survey".  

Saturday.  I go to learn how to golf for an hour for the tournament I'm in next week and then call into work sick because I can't speak.  I discover the reason I am so sick is because I did not drink Airbourne like all of my I will defintley be drinking that in the future!  I sleep and well create this wonderful blog.

All in all, "my life is choking".  But honestly I am still happy as ever.  I mean who couldn't be happy after beating Utah!  Living in Logan is more than great, I love the people I am around 24/7 and I could not be more blessed!